Liam Neeson (who provides Aslan’s voice in the new Narnia movie
series) made the news by claiming that Aslan could represent Mohammed or Buddha. “Aslan symbolises a Christlike figure, but he also symbolises for me Mohammed, Buddha, and all

Of course, the differences between other religious leaders and Christianity’s Jesus have been written about extensively. Aslan is, however, nearly as poor of a candidate for a multicultural, multi-religious leader. Aslan, much like Jesus Christ, gives his life not only for his followers but for his enemy. Edmund was a traitor who betrayed not only his own family, but the return of Aslan and the plans for freedom. Aslan willingly laid down his life to preserve Edmund’s, trusting that the unproven “Deep Magic from before the dawn of time” would have the power to overcome the time-p

Like Christ, Aslan is distinct from Mohammed and Buddha in his roles of creator and redeemer. Aslan is no mere “spiritual leader” or “great teacher” he is the creator of the entire world of Narnia, the son of the Emperor over the Sea, the true king, and the one who makes entrance into Aslan’s Country possible. Neither Budd
hism nor Islam ascribe to Buddha and Mohammed the role of creator, the power of deity, or the position of redeemer. Buddha and Mohammed left their followers to reach heaven (or Nirvana) on their own. Aslan made the way; it is only because of him that Aslan’s Country is reachable. As characters, Jesus Christ and Aslan (regardless of whether they actually exist) are fundamentally different from characters such as Mohammed and Buddha. This is not a matter of conjecture or opinion; this difference can be grasped merely by reading the different accounts of each character from each religion (or fantasy in the case of Narnia). Liam Neeson partakes of the common error of attempting to achieve political correctness despite the evidence; he also fails to accurately represent the characters of Mohammed and Buddha by equating them with Aslan.